Can I Access My Training Materials After the Course Has Ended?

2 min. readlast update: 06.25.2024

We understand the importance of accessing training materials after a course has concluded. While our course document libraries feature is not available yet, we are excited to announce that it is expected to launch in winter of 2024.

Upcoming Feature: Course Document Libraries

  • Launch Date: The course document libraries feature is anticipated to be available in winter 2024.

  • 30-Day Availability: Once launched, this feature will allow users to access and download instructor-attached files and documents for 30 days after the training ends.

Important Considerations

  • Distribution Only: The documents and materials provided through our platform are distributed by American Police Training, but we do not create these materials. They are provided by the instructors or training providers.

  • Contact for Clarification: For any questions or assistance regarding the information contained in these materials, please contact the instructor or training provider directly.

Action Steps for Future Use

  1. Stay Updated: Keep an eye out for announcements regarding the launch of the course document libraries feature in winter 2024.
  2. Download Materials Promptly: When the feature becomes available, make sure to download any necessary files within the 30-day window.
  3. Consult Experts: For any clarifications or further guidance on the training material, reach out to the instructor or training provider directly.

For any additional queries or to stay updated on the feature launch, please contact us at


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