Do I Need to Have Both a Psychological and a Physical Examination Prior to Enrolling in an Academy?

1 min. readlast update: 06.25.2024

Yes, per Texas Occupations Code Sec. 1701.306, the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) mandates that both a psychological and a physical examination must be completed before a person can be issued a license to enroll in an academy.

Why Are These Examinations Required?

The requirement for both examinations ensures that all prospective law enforcement officers meet the necessary physical and mental health standards essential for the demanding duties of the profession. This helps maintain a high standard of service and safety for both officers and the public.

Steps to Complete the Examinations:

  1. Psychological Examination: Conducted by a licensed psychologist to evaluate mental health and suitability for law enforcement duties.
  2. Physical Examination: Performed by a medical professional to assess overall physical health and fitness for the demands of the job.


Both examinations must be documented and submitted as part of the enrollment process. Failure to complete these requirements will result in ineligibility for licensure by TCOLE.

For more information on enrollment requirements and the licensing process, visit our Enrollment and Licensing page or contact TCOLE directly.

Contact Information

Additional Resources

  • Review full details of the Texas Occupations Code Sec. 1701.306
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