Formal Structure of the Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)

4 min. readlast update: 06.25.2024

The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) plays a crucial role in overseeing law enforcement standards and training within the state. Understanding its formal structure provides insight into how TCOLE operates and maintains its regulatory responsibilities.

Governing Body: The Commissioners

TCOLE is governed by a commission consisting of nine members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. This diverse group ensures balanced representation from various sectors within law enforcement and the public. Here’s a breakdown of the composition and roles of the commissioners:


  • Three Members Who Are Sheriffs, Constables, or Chiefs of Police: These members bring direct, high-level law enforcement experience to the commission.
  • Three Licensed Peace Officers: Among these, two must hold nonsupervisory positions at the time of their appointment, ensuring representation from different levels within law enforcement agencies.
  • Three Public Representatives: These members represent the interests and concerns of the general public, contributing to the transparency and accountability of TCOLE.

Terms and Appointment

  • Staggered Six-Year Terms: Appointed members serve staggered six-year terms, which helps maintain continuity within the commission.
  • Presiding Officer: The governor designates one commission member to serve as the presiding officer, providing leadership and oversight.


  • Biennial Meetings: The commission meets at least once every biennium to receive public comments on training and standards for officers and county jailers. Additional meetings may be held as necessary to address ongoing issues and updates.

Executive Director

The executive director is a key figure within TCOLE, responsible for overseeing daily operations and ensuring the smooth execution of the commission's directives. The executive director answers directly to the commissioners and plays a vital role in implementing policies and managing personnel.


  • Operational Oversight: Supervises the daily activities of TCOLE, ensuring all functions are performed efficiently and in accordance with the commission’s goals.
  • Personnel Management: Manages staff and resources to carry out TCOLE's mandates, including training, certification, and compliance monitoring.
  • Policy Implementation: Works closely with the commissioners to implement policies and procedures that align with the regulatory framework established by TCOLE.

Functions and Duties

TCOLE’s structure enables it to fulfill several critical functions essential for maintaining law enforcement standards across Texas:

  • Training Programs: Establishes and maintains training programs for officers, county jailers, and telecommunicators to ensure they meet required standards.
  • Compliance and Enforcement: Monitors compliance with training requirements and standards, handling jurisdictional complaints effectively.
  • Data Collection: Collects and maintains incident-based data, which helps in policy formulation and compliance tracking.
  • Public Interaction: Develops policies to facilitate public interaction, allowing the community to voice concerns and participate in the regulatory process.
  • Certification and Proficiency Recognition: Issues certificates recognizing professional achievement and proficiency in law enforcement training, education, and experience.

Geographic Coverage

To provide localized support and oversight, TCOLE divides the state into ten regions, each with designated field service agents:

  • Region 1 - Panhandle:
  • Region 2 - West Texas:
  • Region 3 - South Texas:
  • Region 4 - South East Texas:
  • Region 5 - North East Texas:
  • Region 6 - Northeast Central Texas:
  • Region 7 - Northeast Mid-Central Texas:
  • Region 8 - Northwest Central Texas:
  • Region 9 - Central Texas:
  • Region 10 - South Central Texas:

The supervisory agent for field services is Richard Gutierrez, who can be contacted at 512-923-0916.

These field service agents assist local law enforcement agencies within their regions, helping them comply with TCOLE regulations and addressing any training or certification issues.

Additional Information

For more detailed information about the commission members and their roles, please visit the TCOLE Commissioners page.

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