Requirements for Peace Officers Working Off-Duty Jobs

2 min. readlast update: 06.25.2024

When it comes to peace officers taking on off-duty jobs, the regulations and requirements are established by the Texas Department of Public Safety Private Security Bureau, not TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement).

Regulatory Authority

  • Texas Department of Public Safety Private Security Bureau: The Private Security Bureau is responsible for setting the standards and requirements for peace officers who wish to work off-duty security jobs.

  • Exemptions: There are specific exemptions for law enforcement personnel under Section 1702.322 of the Texas Occupations Code. These exemptions outline the scenarios and conditions under which peace officers may be allowed to work off-duty without needing additional licenses or certifications.

Key Points to Consider

  • Compliance: Peace officers must ensure they comply with all regulations set forth by the Private Security Bureau when engaging in off-duty employment. This includes understanding the exemptions and any specific requirements that apply to their situation.

  • Further Information: For detailed information about the requirements, exemptions, and compliance issues, officers should refer to the resources provided by the Private Security Bureau.

Contact Information

For additional information regarding the requirements for off-duty employment:

These resources can provide comprehensive guidance and answer any specific questions you may have regarding working off-duty jobs as a peace officer.

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