Team Manager: The Backbone of Our Platform

3 min. readlast update: 06.27.2024

The Team Manager feature is one of the most powerful and unique aspects of our platform, enabling training providers to manage roles within their organization efficiently. This tool ensures that every training event is well-organized and every role is clearly defined, making it easier for law enforcement agencies to focus on delivering high-quality education and training.

User Roles and Features

There are five user roles within the Team Manager feature: Coordinator, Training Manager, Supervisor, Instructor, and Registrant. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each role and their respective features:


  • Chief Training Administrator: The Coordinator functions as the chief training administrator for their organization on our platform.
  • Full Administrative Access: They have full administrative access to all aspects of their organization.
  • Role Elevation: Coordinators can elevate Registrant users to the roles of Training Manager, Supervisor, or Instructor.
  • Event Management: They can create events, assign events to a Training Manager, and designate any user as an Instructor for any event within their organization.

Training Manager

  • Delegated Permissions: Training Managers have permissions similar to Coordinators but cannot assign other Training Managers and do not have full administrative access to organizational details.
  • Role Assignment: They can assign Supervisors, create events, manage events, and assign Instructors.
  • Task Delegation: This role allows large agencies and universities to delegate event management tasks effectively, ensuring smooth operations.


  • Assigned Role: Supervisors are assigned to their role by a Coordinator or Training Manager.
  • Registration Management: They have the ability to review event registrations and manually register agency members for events.
  • Role Reflection: These functions extend and reflect their organizational supervisor role onto our platform, providing consistency and control.


  • Event Role: Instructors are assigned by the Coordinator or Training Manager when creating an event.
  • Upcoming Module: We are working on a platform module that will allow users to identify as an instructor by filling out an instructor bio, uploading instructor certifications, and specifying their subject matter expertise.


  • Basic User: Registrants are basic users who can participate in events.
  • Role Elevation: They can be elevated to other roles (Training Manager, Supervisor, or Instructor) by the Coordinator.

Closing Thoughts

The Team Manager feature is essential for maintaining organizational structure and efficiency within our platform. By clearly defining roles and permissions, it allows training providers to manage their teams effectively, ensuring that every aspect of training administration is covered.

From the Coordinator’s comprehensive oversight to the Training Manager’s event management capabilities, and the Supervisor’s registration control to the Instructor's specialized role, the Team Manager feature is designed to support the diverse needs of law enforcement training providers. Registrants also have a clear path to elevation within the organization, fostering growth and development.

Team Manager empowers agencies to deliver exceptional training experiences with ease and precision.

Ready to streamline your training administration and take advantage of these powerful features? Register for a free training provider account today and start optimizing your training management: Sign Up Now.

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