Training Provider Services

7 min. readlast update: 06.27.2024 offers a wide range of tools and services for training providers, coordinators, training managers, and instructors. Our platform is designed to streamline the process of posting and managing training events, ensuring that providers can reach a wider audience with ease.

Free Tools & Services

Training Directory

Our Training Directory is a free tool that allows training providers to list their offerings on our platform. This directory helps connect law enforcement professionals with high-quality training opportunities. By creating a listing in our Training Directory, providers can showcase their courses, provide detailed information, and attract more students.

Team Manager

The Team Manager feature allows training providers to manage roles within their organization. There are five user roles: Coordinator, Training Manager, Supervisor, Instructor, and Registrant. Here’s a breakdown of each role and their respective features:

  • Coordinator:
    • The Coordinator is the chief training administrator for their organization on our platform.
    • They have full administrative access to all aspects of their organization.
    • Coordinators can elevate Registrant users to the roles of Training Manager, Supervisor, or Instructor.
    • They can create events, assign events to a Training Manager, and designate any user as an Instructor for any event within their organization.
  • Training Manager:
    • Training Managers have many similar permissions to Coordinators but cannot assign other Training Managers and do not have full administrative access to organizational details.
    • They can assign Supervisors, create events, manage events, and assign Instructors.
    • This role allows large agencies and universities to delegate event management tasks effectively.
  • Supervisor:
    • Supervisors are assigned to their role by a Coordinator or Training Manager.
    • They have the ability to review event registrations and manually register agency members for events.
    • These functions extend and reflect their organizational supervisor role onto our platform.
  • Instructor:
    • Instructors are assigned by the Coordinator or Training Manager when creating an event.
    • We are working on a platform module that will allow users to identify as an instructor by filling out an instructor bio, uploading instructor certifications, and specifying their subject matter expertise.
  • Registrant:
    • Registrants are basic users who can participate in events.
    • They can be elevated to other roles (Training Manager, Supervisor, or Instructor) by the Coordinator.

Class Manager

Our Class Manager tool helps instructors manage their classes and monitor student progress. Features include:

  • Scheduling Classes: Easily schedule and manage class sessions.
  • Automated Event Reminders: Our platform automatically reminds your event registrants by email 30 days, 7 days, and 2 days prior to minimize no-shows. These reminders also allow registrants to submit a cancellation if plans change and make their spot available to someone else.
  • Change Class Details: The Class Manager will allow the Coordinator or Training Manager to make detail changes as needed. Sometimes venues, times, or even instructors change. We make it easy to reflect these changes.
  • Easy Roster Download: Registrations can be easily downloaded in a CSV file which includes important student information, including affiliated agency, email, cell phone, Commission Number (student optional), DOB (student optional).

Features Coming Soon

We are actively working on enhancing our Class Manager tool with additional features, which we hope to unveil by Winter 2024:

  • Attendance Tracking: Use the attendance roster to keep track of student participation.
  • Communication Tools: Directly communicate with students through the platform.
  • Grade Book: Track student performance throughout the course.
  • Certificate Generator: Create custom completion certificates for students.
  • Daily Sign-In Sheets: Generate sign-in sheets for accurate attendance recording.

These forthcoming features aim to streamline administrative tasks further, allowing instructors to focus on delivering high-quality training.

Future Enhancements

We are committed to continuously improving our platform. Future services will include advanced reporting and analytics, integrated learning management systems, and more. Our dedicated team is always working on developing new tools to enhance the training experience for law enforcement professionals.

Premium Tools & Services

For those looking to maximize their training impact, we offer a range of premium tools and services. These include:

  • Online Training: Post your on-demand online training quickly and easily.
  • Paid In-Person Training: Sell your training on our website with simplified payment processing.
  • Sponsored Newsletters: Promote your company’s support for law enforcement through sponsored newsletters.
  • Site Traffic Reports: Gain insights into website traffic and engagement metrics.

Our premium services provide advanced features and functionality, from customizable branding to detailed analytics and reporting. With a nominal fee, these services offer unparalleled customization, control, and flexibility, empowering training providers to deliver the best possible training experience.

Free Online Training Platform

We are excited to introduce our new free online training platform. This system allows you to post your training content without the need for complex web tracking or pay-per-click advertising. Promote your training confidently, knowing that it is completely free. Sign up today to start reaching your audience effortlessly.

Selling Your Training

Not all training can be offered for free, which is why we provide a convenient way for training providers to sell their programs on our site. We handle all payment processing, allowing you to focus on delivering high-quality training. We charge a flat 5% fee, which covers both the processing fee and our services. This fee is less than that charged by our competitor, SignupGenius, which charges 5% plus $0.50 per registration. Our platform is specifically designed for law enforcement, unlike the generic services offered by competitors. Furthermore, we don’t charge a penny if you use our platform to promote a free event, because promoting law enforcement education is our mission.

Listing Service for Self-Managed Events

We recognize that some training providers prefer to manage their own registration and payment processes. Though our platform is competitively priced with an unbeatable offer, we also accommodate those who self-manage their events. Providers can list their training event in our directory for free. By listing an event as an In-Person External Event, our platform will list your event and include a link to your details and registration page. That’s right, free advertising. Why? Because at the end of the day, it helps law enforcement professionals to find events by visiting a single location. Improve your event success and make them easy to find by listing them with us.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer unique sponsorship opportunities for companies looking to support law enforcement. Sponsors can have their names and logos displayed prominently in our newsletters, reaching thousands of law enforcement professionals nationwide. Additionally, companies can be recognized as our sponsor of the week, featuring a dedicated paragraph and image in the newsletter.

Transparency and Results

We value transparency and are committed to delivering quality services to our clients. Our comprehensive site traffic report provides key metrics like unique visitors, page views, and average time spent on the site, giving potential clients confidence in the platform’s reach and engagement.

Become a Training Provider Now!

American Police Training is dedicated to supporting training providers with a suite of free and premium tools designed to simplify and enhance the training process. Whether you’re looking to post free training, sell your courses, or gain detailed insights into your training's impact, our platform has everything you need.

Sign up today and take your training offerings to the next level!

For more details or to get started, visit our Training Provider Services page.


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