Understanding TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers (CRN)

3 min. readlast update: 06.25.2024
  • What Are TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers (CRN)?

    TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers (CRN) are unique identifiers assigned to specific training courses offered by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). These numbers help in tracking and reporting training activities accurately.

    Importance of CRNs in Law Enforcement Training

    • Tracking Training: CRNs ensure that law enforcement agencies accurately report and track completed training hours.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Using CRNs helps agencies comply with TCOLE training requirements and maintain certification standards.
    • Course Recognition: Each CRN corresponds to a specific course, making it easier to identify and recognize training content.

    Accessing TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers

    To access the complete list of TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers, visit the TCOLE website.

    Table of TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers

    Here is a table showcasing a selection of TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers:

    Course Name CRN
    Basic Peace Officer 1000
    Intermediate Peace Officer 2000
    Advanced Peace Officer 3000
    Civil Process 4000
    Crisis Intervention Training 1850
    Racial Profiling 1849

    This table provides a sample of the various courses offered by TCOLE along with their corresponding CRNs. For the complete list, refer to the official TCOLE website link mentioned above.

    Benefits of CRNs for Law Enforcement Professionals

    • Efficient Reporting: CRNs streamline the reporting process for law enforcement training activities.
    • Standardization: Using CRNs standardizes training records across agencies and ensures uniformity.
    • Comprehensive Tracking: Agencies can easily monitor officers' progress and compliance with mandatory training using CRNs.


    Understanding TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers is vital for law enforcement professionals to maintain compliance with training standards set by TCOLE. By utilizing CRNs effectively, agencies can track, report, and enhance the training initiatives for their officers.

    Additional Resources

    For more information on TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers and specific training courses, visit the TCOLE General Course Reporting Numbers page.



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